Samantha Lewis' GPS Life Journey testimonial.
"I have been searching for my “purpose” and what I was “meant/created” to do for quite some time. Throughout the years, I have placed my sense of value more in worldly achievements and praise from others rather than in truth and purpose. Each season of my life has brought different challenges, but I have approached each one with that same mindset. School/College was about perfect grades. In sports it was about being the best athlete on the team. After graduation it was about landing that prestigious big job, and then about achieving a better title and earning more money in my career. After getting married and having children, God changed my life direction in an unexpected way. He called me to be a full-time mom. The way I self-identified became less about me and more about them. My focus shifted from the best of me to the best for them. No question about it. Fast forward to my current season of life, I have now been a wife for 15 years and am a full-time mom to a teen and a pre-teen. They are in school during the day and, though they still need me, they need me differently than they used to when they were younger and especially during the years that we homeschooled. My role as mommy has for sure shortened to mom. To make matters more challenging, that praise and recognition that I liked so much, is few and far between. That is one of the reasons the GPS Life Journey course appealed to me. Honestly, I thought the course would answer the questions “who am I?” and “what I am supposed to be doing?” Instead, the course aided in the reorienting or rather the transforming of my mind. The weekly self-evaluations and group discussions, in combination with my personal bible study, reminded me that my “purpose” is not about me or what others think of me but rather about Christ and what He thinks of me. My identity, my mission, is to live as an Ambassador of Christ daily to those in my sphere of influence and join God in the work He is already doing around me. Who is included in my sphere of influence? My sphere of influence includes everyone from my husband and children to the folks that pass by me in the grocery store. I am called to represent Christ wherever and to whomever God calls me to that day, knowing I am guided by the power of His Holy Spirit, and with the assurance that He is with me always until the end of the age. I truly cannot think of a more important purpose than to be sent by the One True King, as an accredited diplomat, to represent His Majesty to the world. Can you?" Check the EVENTS page to learn more about when you can participate in GPS Life Journey or use the CONTACT page to get in touch with us.
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AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
January 2025