Watch this video to meet one of GPS Life Journey Facilitators... below is a transcript in his own words.
"My name is Jim Robertson and my wife and I relocated to East Tennessee a couple years ago. We were wondering what was our next phase going to be at the new church and new environment. We had a chance to talk with Nolen Rollins. We learned about GPS Life Journey so we took the class. We learned more about ourselves through a variety of assessments, spiritual gift tests, personality tests, and defining our passions. It really gave me a chance to see that God was leading me to work with assisted living residents. I was able to put together a mission plan and Roadmap that helped me achieve those goals to where I was doing something I felt was really worthwhile. While we were taking the class we realized that there was an opportunity to help others and to facilitate other GPS courses. It gave us the chance work with others to help them find their passions and to find their goals. That's something that the GPS class has done for us and we feel real good about what we've been able to do at the church and in our community. As we look at our next phase in life, this is something that we're excited about doing." If you are interested in becoming a GPS Life Journey Facilitator then please contact us to learn more.
We knew we wanted to serve within the church in some capacity but exactly what was a mystery to both of us. Then low and behold, one Sunday our Pastor announced an upcoming class called GPS Life Journey that was designed to help people find God’s plan for the next stages of their lives. We signed up online while we were still in the parking lot of the church that day! While I was definitely excited to start the GPS Life Journey course, I was a little wary of how effective the course would turn out. As a professional, I took personality tests and they were accurate but that was all, nothing about what to do with said personality! I have also taken a few spiritual gift assessment tests and I had the same questions as I did with the personality test. “What do I do know? How is this applicable to my life?” As it turns out, this time would definitely be the exception to the rule. It was a seven-week course that started with learning my personal profile, that included seven assessments, and how to hear from God, which then culminated in the development of a personal mission statement with a vision and strategy for making the plan happen. What a gift from the church, from author and facilitator Nolen Rollins and most of all from God. Author Nolen has done what no other program has done before him and that is how to determine what God’s Plan for Significance is for your Life Journey! So, what is the next phase of my life’s journey? My mission is to guide people in discovering God’s plan for their lives through the GPS Life Journey process and to organize a free standing health clinic for the working uninsured of Loudon County, Tennessee. You see, God sometimes has a different plan that you might have thought. He decided to use my education and nursing skills to fulfill His plan for me. I am thrilled to follow His plan. When the Free Health Clinic is completed, I know exactly how to find God’s next plan for me! Oh, and I won’t be telling God what I think that is; I will listen to what He tells me? GPS Life Journey Story by Paula Mills Nolen Rollins shares in this Note from Nolen - how GPS Life Journey graduates can be good stewards. Scripture tells us that it is required that stewards be found faithful. God expects us to be faithful stewards of everything he has given to us. This includes our gifts in abilities and giftedness, and includes our financial resources.
Session 8 of GPS Life Journey deals with this. We encourage graduates of GPS Life Journey to at least twice a year, do as Nolen Rollins does, to sit down and evaluate:
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
December 2024