In this month's Note from Nolen - find out how God has shaped you?! Read on to discover how GPS Life Journey helps you in more ways than you might ever expected.
"Who are you? How did God uniquely design and shape you? I know I sound a little hoarse. I'm recovering from a chest cold. It sounds much worse than it really is. God uniquely designed and shaped you. There is a misconception that the GPS Life Journey study is primarily about your spiritual gifts. Not true. Spiritual gifts is only one of seven assessments that you will participate in to discover how did God uniquely design and shape you for service in his kingdom. He has a purpose for you. We will look at your personality, your passions, your abilities, your life experiences, yes, your spiritual gifts, your strengths, your core values, and seven total different assessments to help you have a very clear understanding. This is who I am, and God made me this way. For a purpose in his kingdom. I hope you have a clear understanding of who you are, how God has shaped you to serve him and bring him glory."
![]() This month's story is by Marianne Bailey. I have been praying for God to show me what is next. He used GPS Life Journey to clarify that for me! I was a pharmacist for 25 years when God led me in another direction. For the last five years I have been in children’s ministry full time at my church, First Baptist Church, Concord, Tennessee. This past year, God again led me to pursue a Biblical Counseling degree online. With this new direction, I have been praying for God to show me what is next. That is when several of the staff of our church were invited to participate in the GPS Life Journey process. God used my participation in this course to clarify my mission statement and the direction I need to be moving forward for the next stage of my life. It was also neat to see how God is working in the lives of my co-workers that I don’t always have a lot of interaction with. GPS Life Journey is not simply a class to take. It is a resource and effective tool I can continue to use for the rest of my life really. In fact, there are many others whom I know who would benefit greatly from participating in a GPS course as well. I plan to encourage them to discover God’s purposes for the next stages of their lives. I want my husband and kids to do this too! GPS Life Journey is such a blessing! Marianne D. Bailey Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Director First Baptist Concord Knoxville, Tennessee In this month's Note from Nolen, we wish you a happy new year and introduce you to GPS Life Journey 2.0! Below is what Nolen had to say...
"Happy New Year. It is my prayer that 2025 will be a great year for you as you live on mission with God, fulfilling God's purpose for the next stage of your life. Some good news about something new coming soon. We will be offering GPS Life Journey 2. 0 for those who have previously participated in a GPS class. This particular class and process will be only four hours, two sessions of two hours each. You will use the same workbook, there will be no additional cost, and it will help you to evaluate where are you on your GPS Life Journey. Some of you may be faithful in fulfilling God's purpose for the next stage of your life. Some of you may have hit a roadblock. You may need encouragement and re evaluation of where you are, and more importantly, how to develop a strategy. for moving forward in fulfilling God's purpose for the next stage of your life. Look forward soon to an announcement concerning when GPS Life Journey 2. 0 classes will be offered, and I hope many of you who are graduates of GPS will consider participating in this re evaluation in the new course. God bless you. I hope 2025. It's a great year for your glorifying God by fulfilling his purpose for your life." In this video you will hear Jackie Da Hora's testimony as a GPS Life Journey Graduate.
"Hi, my name is Jackie Da Hora, and I'm a licensed mental health therapist. My husband and I are the owners and counselors at Therapies Counseling. We are passionate about helping equip others with tools to improve their mental health, either through individual sessions, marital sessions, or group presentations. Through GPS Life Journey, I learned more about God, my spiritual gifts, and formulated a mission statement to help me stay focused. I can now say that I exist to testify how Jesus freed me, healed me emotionally, and gave me a new identity in Him. God has increased my boldness in order to evangelize to others, including sharing my testimony, sharing His word, or offering to pray for them. And if they accept Jesus, I then give them a study Bible, connect them to a local church, and continue discipling them if they're already attending one on one sessions. I also share with others the book that my husband and I wrote that are filled with practical mental health tools and biblical principles to help them embrace their God given identity as either a woman of God or a man of God. And they can be found on our website at I am thankful for GPS Life Journey that helped me understand how God created me, how he speaks to me, and helped challenge fear that was preventing me from fully living out my purpose here on earth. To be able to bring emotional healing and point people back to Jesus, who is our wonderful counselor." ![]() This month's story is by Marianne Bailey. I have been praying for God to show me what is next. He used GPS Life Journey to clarify that for me! I was a pharmacist for 25 years when God led me in another direction. For the last five years I have been in children’s ministry full time at my church, First Baptist Church, Concord, Tennessee. This past year, God again led me to pursue a Biblical Counseling degree online. With this new direction, I have been praying for God to show me what is next. That is when several of the staff of our church were invited to participate in the GPS Life Journey process. God used my participation in this course to clarify my mission statement and the direction I need to be moving forward for the next stage of my life. It was also neat to see how God is working in the lives of my co-workers that I don’t always have a lot of interaction with. GPS Life Journey is not simply a class to take. It is a resource and effective tool I can continue to use for the rest of my life really. In fact, there are many others whom I know who would benefit greatly from participating in a GPS course as well. I plan to encourage them to discover God’s purposes for the next stages of their lives. I want my husband and kids to do this too! GPS Life Journey is such a blessing! Marianne D. Bailey Kindergarten – 3rd Grade Director First Baptist Concord Knoxville, Tennessee In this month's Note from Nolen video, you'll hear from Nolen, as he wishes GPS Life Journey graduates a Merry Christmas.
"Merry Christmas. I want to wish all of the GPS graduates all around the world in 30 different countries a very Merry Christmas during this holiday season. This has been a great year for GPS Life Journey. I personally have been involved in leading 151 people through the GPS Life Journey process during 2024. We look forward to hundreds more experiencing God's purpose for their life in 2025. I hope you have a great holiday season. I hope you will take time to reflect on the true meaning of the Christmas season and that Jesus will be the central focus of all that you do during this Christmas time. God bless you. I appreciate you. I love you. And I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year in 2025." Check out what events we have upcoming here! Got a question contact us here! In this Note from Nolen, you will meet GPS Life Journey Partner, Barb Dunn. Here is what she had to share in the video.
"Hi. My name is Barb Dunn, and I'm a GPS Life Journey Graduate and a GPS Life Journey Facilitator. My husband, who's also a graduate, and I have decided to become GPS Life Journey Partners. What is a GPS Partner, you might ask? Well, a GPS Partner is an individual or couples, like Dan and myself, who felt led of God to become a GPS Life Journey financial supporter. The operating budget of the global GPS ministry is supported by a small number of people who believe in the mission of the ministry and donate at least a hundred dollars per month. Or $1,200 per year to help people discover and engage in their life purpose. Serving as a GPS Facilitator allows me to observe firsthand how excited individuals are when they discover God's purpose for the next stage of their lives. GPS does not do fundraising activities or solicit donations as other organizations do. GPS Life Journey depends totally on people who believe in the ministry and feel led of God to become a partner. So would you pray and ask God if he wants you to become a GPS Partner like Dan and I have? It's a great way to leverage your giving as thousands of people in over 30 countries around the world are now engaged in kingdom service because of their participation in GPS. Thank you and God bless and I really hope if you haven't done it yet, you go through the GPS Life Journey program and you live on purpose as well." The mission of GPS Life Journey is to help individuals discover and fulfill their God-given purposes for the next stages of their lives. GPS Life Journey answers three important life questions…
Over 21,000 people in over 30 countries of the world have successfully discovered and are engaged in fulfilling their God-given purposes through participating in the GPS Life Journey Process. GPS Graduates are engaged in sharing the Gospel, planting churches, training church leaders, providing humanitarian services including food, clean water, clothing, personal hygiene and shelter, rescuing human trafficking victims, building orphanages, churches and schools, providing free medical clinics, helping widows, training leaders in Christian businesses, and numerous other ministries. People put their money where their missions are… Once people discover their God-given passions and purposes, they eagerly invest their financial resources in Christian ministries around the world. Research has proven that every dollar donated to GPS Life Journey results in fourteen dollars being invested in a Christian ministry or cause by GPS Life Journey Graduates. That is financial leverage and wise investing. GPS Life Journey is a faith-based ministry. GPS Life Journey trusts God for the provision of funds for the operating budget. GPS does not do fund raising activities or events or charge for the services of helping others. We rely totally on God leading individuals/couples/churches to support the global ministry of GPS Life Journey. The total operating budget for the ministry world-wide is less than $100,000. The ministry is led by volunteers around the world. GPS Life Journey Partners Those individuals/couples/churches who feel led to support GPS Life Journey with tax-deductible donations of at least $100 per month or $1,200 per year are GPS Life Journey Partners. They make possible this ministry of helping individuals discover and fulfill their God-given purposes. GPS Life Journey has always, in its 20 plus years of ministry, relied on less that 25 partners to support its operating budget. GPS Life Journey does not ask people to give. We ask people to pray to see if God is leading them to become a partner. God has always provided the operational funding needs through this small number of people. If you feel that God is leading you to become a GPS Life Journey Partner, please contact us at [email protected] or 239-860-0096. May God richly bless you as you continue to bless others,
I have always had a desire to serve God and to be a faithful steward of the gifts and resources He has entrusted to me. Then I decided to participate in a GPS Life Journey small group that actually met in the law office where I work. I was amazed at the clarity I received from the GPS process. I had a clearer understanding of how God had gifted and shaped me and wanted to use me in His Kingdom. Along with that clarity came an increased passion to be used by Him.
I discovered God’s mission for my life. I realized that I could carry out that mission within my normal professional responsibilities. I was able to create both financial and time margin to serve others within my profession. I realized that I had a God-given responsibility, as part of my total life stewardship, to use my experiences and knowledge to serve God by serving others, doing what I best knew how to do. I can make a difference in the lives of others that will have eternal Kingdom impact. How about you? Do you understand the amazing potential God has given you to make a difference in the world? William H. Myers is a Florida Bar Board Certified Wills, Trusts and Estates Attorney. He practices estate planning, wealth preservation law and charitable gift planning with the Naples office of Porter Wright Morris and Arthur LLP where he is a partner. In this month's Note from Nolen, you'll learn about what Nolen Rollins is thankful for this year.
"Can you believe it is almost Thanksgiving and coming close to the end of another year? Well, I am especially thankful this November As we enter the Thanksgiving season for what God is doing through the GPS Life Journey ministry, almost 300 individuals just here in the home office of GPS have gone through the GPS Life Journey in the past couple of years since relocating to Tennessee. If you're one of those individuals who has participated in the GPS Life Journey, I hope you will take time to thank God for having a specific purpose for the next stage of your life and giving you the privilege of being engaged in fulfilling his purpose for your life and making a difference in the lives of others. I am especially grateful that God is continuing to use me here at my old age to help other people discover God's purpose for their life and really leave a legacy. Of helping others and serving God in his kingdom and bringing great glory to him. I trust you will have a great Thanksgiving season and that you will not forget to be thankful to God for how he has blessed your life." As we sit down with our loved ones this Thanksgiving, let's take a moment to reflect on the blessings we've received and the purposes we've discovered. The GPS Life Journey ministry is just one of the many avenues through which we can uncover our unique calling and become agents of change in the world. Consider the story of Cheryl, a woman who had heard great things about GPS Life Journey and wanted her two teenage step daughters to experience it with her. They joined the GPS Life Journey program via Zoom, seeking clarity and direction. Through the process, they discovered their passions for helping others experience the love of God. Today, each of them are using opportunities God has placed in their path to lead as examples of their faith in Jesus. She found her purpose, and in doing so, transformed not only her life but the lives of those around her. Cheryl's story is a powerful reminder that God has a plan for each of us, and that it's never too late to make a difference. No matter our age or stage in life, we all have the potential to leave a lasting legacy by serving others and drawing attention to the glory of God. There's a Chinese proverb that goes, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now." This sentiment holds true for our life's purpose. If you feel unsure of your path or yearn for a more profound sense of fulfillment, consider embarking on the GPS Life Journey yourself. We still have opportunities to participate in the GPS Life Journey process online via Zoom. You can also contact us to find out when events are being planned to start again in person from January 2025! As we express gratitude for our blessings this Thanksgiving, let's also remember that we are called to use our gifts and talents to uplift others. By actively seeking and embracing God's purpose for our lives, we can create ripples of change that will impact future generations. This Thanksgiving, let's be thankful for the opportunity to serve and transform the lives of those around us. In doing so, we not only honor the Lord but also leave a legacy that will last for generations to come. Meet Larry Griffin, a recent GPS Life Journey Graduate.
He shares, "I think this whole program that they have here for that has stirred up things that was inside me that I've used in other programs at other churches I've been at. But it confirmed what I've always wanted to do and that's be with the elderly, help those in nursing homes and hospitals that are, that need our help, frankly. But one thing that's happened since I've been there is I've been able to give him a little booklet here and all this is it's just got a few poems in it that helps them and I didn't know what kind of response I would get out of that. Martha Payne who's got me started doing this as well said that she has passed those out to other people and they really love it. Morning Point Ministries or a rest home is, another place where people have read it and they pass it on to other people and it's helped out a little bit. It's given a little extra to help them while they're there. So I'm so glad and happy to be there. I'm so glad and happy to be a part of this church and a part of, the GPS ministries. So thank you again and have yourself a great day." Picking up on what Larry Griffin shared, I'd like to delve deeper into the impact of sharing simple gestures, like a booklet of poems, with those in need. It's incredible how something so small and seemingly insignificant can make a substantial difference in someone's day or even their life. In my experience, people in nursing homes and hospitals often appreciate even the smallest acts of kindness, as they might feel overlooked or isolated during their stay. In fact, research supports this anecdotal evidence. A study published in the Journal of gerontological nursing found that simple activities, like reading or discussing poetry, can help improve the mental well-being of older adults in long-term care facilities. These activities not only promote social interaction but also stimulate cognitive functioning, ultimately enhancing their quality of life. Now, you may be wondering how to create such a booklet of poems or other similar gestures to share with those in need. The answer is simpler than you might think. First, consider the audience and their potential interests. For example, if you're creating a booklet for older adults, choose poems that resonate with their life experiences or evoke nostalgia. Next, keep it brief and visually appealing, using a larger font size for easy reading and ample white space for a clean, uncluttered appearance. You might also include a personal note or an invitation for the recipient to share their thoughts or feelings about the poems. This can open up opportunities for deeper connections and meaningful conversations. Remember, the goal is to create something that brings joy, comfort, or distraction from their daily routines in a positive way. In conclusion, participating in GPS Life Journey has allowed others to reaffirm their passion for helping the elderly and those in nursing homes and hospitals. You might also enjoy meeting Jim Robertson, who has a similar mission. The simple act of sharing a booklet of poems has not only brought happiness to others but also highlighted the importance of small gestures in making a difference in someone's life. By incorporating activities like this into our daily lives, we can create a ripple effect of kindness and compassion that can positively impact those around us. Don't forget to explore different ways to give back and make a difference in your community. By staying attuned to the needs of those around us and actively seeking opportunities to help, we can enrich not only their lives but our own as well. If you're not certain of God's Plan for Significance (GPS) in your life then consider joining one of our classes listed on the EVENTS page or CONTACT us to let us know your questions or interest. We look forward to helping you get started and living on mission for God's glory! |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
January 2025