In this Note from Nolen, you will meet GPS Life Journey Partner, Barb Dunn. Here is what she had to share in the video.
"Hi. My name is Barb Dunn, and I'm a GPS Life Journey Graduate and a GPS Life Journey Facilitator. My husband, who's also a graduate, and I have decided to become GPS Life Journey Partners. What is a GPS Partner, you might ask? Well, a GPS Partner is an individual or couples, like Dan and myself, who felt led of God to become a GPS Life Journey financial supporter. The operating budget of the global GPS ministry is supported by a small number of people who believe in the mission of the ministry and donate at least a hundred dollars per month. Or $1,200 per year to help people discover and engage in their life purpose. Serving as a GPS Facilitator allows me to observe firsthand how excited individuals are when they discover God's purpose for the next stage of their lives. GPS does not do fundraising activities or solicit donations as other organizations do. GPS Life Journey depends totally on people who believe in the ministry and feel led of God to become a partner. So would you pray and ask God if he wants you to become a GPS Partner like Dan and I have? It's a great way to leverage your giving as thousands of people in over 30 countries around the world are now engaged in kingdom service because of their participation in GPS. Thank you and God bless and I really hope if you haven't done it yet, you go through the GPS Life Journey program and you live on purpose as well." The mission of GPS Life Journey is to help individuals discover and fulfill their God-given purposes for the next stages of their lives. GPS Life Journey answers three important life questions…
Over 21,000 people in over 30 countries of the world have successfully discovered and are engaged in fulfilling their God-given purposes through participating in the GPS Life Journey Process. GPS Graduates are engaged in sharing the Gospel, planting churches, training church leaders, providing humanitarian services including food, clean water, clothing, personal hygiene and shelter, rescuing human trafficking victims, building orphanages, churches and schools, providing free medical clinics, helping widows, training leaders in Christian businesses, and numerous other ministries. People put their money where their missions are… Once people discover their God-given passions and purposes, they eagerly invest their financial resources in Christian ministries around the world. Research has proven that every dollar donated to GPS Life Journey results in fourteen dollars being invested in a Christian ministry or cause by GPS Life Journey Graduates. That is financial leverage and wise investing. GPS Life Journey is a faith-based ministry. GPS Life Journey trusts God for the provision of funds for the operating budget. GPS does not do fund raising activities or events or charge for the services of helping others. We rely totally on God leading individuals/couples/churches to support the global ministry of GPS Life Journey. The total operating budget for the ministry world-wide is less than $100,000. The ministry is led by volunteers around the world. GPS Life Journey Partners Those individuals/couples/churches who feel led to support GPS Life Journey with tax-deductible donations of at least $100 per month or $1,200 per year are GPS Life Journey Partners. They make possible this ministry of helping individuals discover and fulfill their God-given purposes. GPS Life Journey has always, in its 20 plus years of ministry, relied on less that 25 partners to support its operating budget. GPS Life Journey does not ask people to give. We ask people to pray to see if God is leading them to become a partner. God has always provided the operational funding needs through this small number of people. If you feel that God is leading you to become a GPS Life Journey Partner, please contact us at [email protected] or 239-860-0096. May God richly bless you as you continue to bless others,
In this month's Note from Nolen, you'll hear from Nolen about the importance of not missing the will of God!
"Most Christians are so busy doing the work of the church that they miss the will of God". That is a quote by famous author and scholar, Dr. Henry Blackaby, author of Experiencing God. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily activities, especially when they're related to church work. However, it's crucial to remember that our ultimate goal should be to fulfill God's purpose and plan for our lives, rather than merely staying busy. This requires us to take a step back and truly seek His will for us. One way to discover God's plan for our lives is through prayer and meditation. Spending quiet time with God allows us to hear His voice and gain clarity on the path He has laid out for us. It's during these moments that we can truly experience God and understand His desires for us. If you haven't learned how to hear from God, then you'll be delighted to discover this in Session 4, of the GPS Life Journey process. This is where you'll understand how to hear from God and get directions for their lives. Another way is by surrounding ourselves with wise and mature Christian mentors who can provide guidance and insight. These individuals can offer valuable perspective and help us navigate the challenges and decisions that come our way. Proverbs 15:22 says, "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." Seeking counsel from others can help us stay on track and fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Again, the GPS Life Journey process is an excellent opportunity to experience mentorship and guidance in a facilitated small group. There is plenty of time for discussion and receiving input from others as you discover God's mission for your life. Additionally, it's important to remember that God's plan for our lives is often revealed through our gifts, talents, and passions. Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we were created for good works, which He prepared beforehand. When we use our unique abilities to serve others and glorify God, we are fulfilling the plan He has for us. This is why we spend the first three sessions of GPS Life Journey looking at how God shaped you! You'll discover more about yourself using seven assessments. This includes: your personality, your strengths, your passions, your values, your experiences, your spiritual gifts and your abilities. In conclusion, while staying busy with church work is important, it's even more vital that we discover and commit to fulfilling God's specific purpose and plan for our lives. By seeking His will through prayer, surrounding ourselves with wise counsel, and utilizing our gifts and talents, we can experience God and walk in the path He has laid out for us. GPS Life Journey helps you discover your God-given purpose for the next stage of your life and engage in fulfilling that purpose. Be committed to fulfilling that rather than just simply being busy! Check our Events page to register for in person and online via Zoom GPS Life Journey. We are here to help you get started or unstuck if you're already a GPS Life Journey graduate through our free 1:1 coaching. Simply Contact us with your questions and we will be in touch. In this video, you'll hear from Nolen Rollins, the founder of GPS Life Journey and others about what the benefits are from participating in the GPS Life Journey process.
In John chapter 17, verse four, Jesus, God, the son is talking to God, the father, and he says, I have glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work you sent me here to do. [Nolen Rollins] "My question for you is this, have you glorified, or are you glorifying God because you're engaged in faith, fulfilling the specific work that God has for you to do here on earth?" GPS Life Journey will help you discover your purpose here on earth and the good works that God has created you to do to bring Him glory. Loreen Robertson says, "I love participating in GPS Life Journey. It really gave me a sense of purpose and focus for my life. I definitely would recommend GPS Life Journey because it will just give you a more focus and significance for your life." GPS Life Journey consists of eight facilitator led sessions: 1. Discovering My Personality 2. Discovering My Experiences, Abilities and Strengths 3. Discovering My Passions, Spiritual Gifts and Values 4. Discovering How to Get Direction from God 5. Developing My Personal Mission Statement 6. Developing My Personal Vision 7. Developing My Priority Action Steps and Venues 8. Developing Margins in My Life Janine Bateson says, "God has placed me exactly where he wants me. He is having me do exactly what he wants to have done and I would not have known." Paula Mills says, " It is an absolute joy to know that I'm living God's purpose for my life. It takes a lot of stress out of my life. It gives me great happiness and I love watching other people find their purposes in life. It's just a win win situation." There are several formats for participating in a GPS Life Journey group , from an eight week small group to a two day intensive Blitz format. There is a format that will fit your schedule. Pastor John Hunn says, "GPS Life Journey has been an amazing benefit to our church here at First Baptist Lenore City. It has been an absolute godsend, so much so that we made it the year of mobilization. Over 200 of our members have discovered their life purpose and we loved it so much. This year is our second year of mobilization." We encourage you to join over 20, 000 people. in over 30 countries of the world who have discovered their God given missions for the next stage of their lives. By doing so, you too will bring glory to God by accomplishing the work that He has for you to do while here on earth. Please contact us for a list of all upcoming GPS life journey opportunities and discover your specific God given mission for the next stage of your life. Or check out the events page. We look forward to facilitating your GPS Life Journey. .In this video you will learn more about what is GPS Life Journey and hear from participants directly.
Nolen Rollins shared: "God has general purposes for the life of every follower of Christ that are pretty much the same. But, God also has a specific purpose, a unique purpose for every individual. Do you know what God's specific purpose, what His specific good works for you are? For the next stage of your life? GPS Life Journey helps you discover your God given mission for your life and helps you develop a strategy to engage in your purpose. Samantha Lewis shared: Participation in GPS Life Journey helped me to see God's purpose in my life. It is wonderful to know that God has a purpose for me. And my mission statement is that I will be an ambassador of Christ in all the spheres of influence He placed us in. The format structure of GPS Life Journey: GPS Life Journey consists of eight facilitator led sessions.
There is a format that will fit your schedule, including online via Zoom! Barb Dunn shared: "Going through the assessments in the GPS program really helped me to understand who I am, how God made me, and the fact that it's for a specific reason to glorify him. I feel now that I am so on point and so excited because GPS has really helped me be focused on what God's mission is for my life, what my purpose is, and I'm looking to change the world." Jim Robertson shared: "I have really appreciated GPS just because it has kept me going, not just with my mission, but continuing on with my vision." Senior Pastor John Hunn shared: "GPS Life Journey This journey has been an amazing benefit to our church here at First Baptist in North City. It has been an absolute godsend, so much so that we made it the year of mobilization. Over 200 of our members have discovered their life purpose. And, we loved it so much, this year is our second year of mobilization." We encourage you to join over 20, 000 people in over 30 countries of the world who have discovered their life purposes through the GPS Life Journey process. Please contact us for a list of all upcoming GPS Life Journey opportunities or check the Events page.
One of my favorite authors is John Piper. He tells it like it is. He has a book, that I would encourage you to read and titled "Don't waste your life". And in this particular book, John tells the story of a young lady who was killed tragically on the mission field, in the prime of her life, and people saying, what a wasted life.
John comes back and says, "No, that was not a wasted life. That was a life well invested for the kingdom of God". And then he goes on to tell the story of someone he read about in Reader's Digest years ago, who retired from up north moved to Florida, and spent the rest of their life collecting seashells. He says, "Can you imagine that person standing before God and said, "Jesus, look at my collection of seashells", according to John Piper, that is a wasted life. God has a purpose for your life. Don't waste your life.
You are special. Now you may be thinking, how can you say I'm special? You don't even know me? Well, let me read to you the opening paragraph and this little book called Purpose that I wrote several years ago to help people understand that God has a purpose for your life.
It says you are special. You are special and you are unique. There is no one on earth just like you. I know that you are special without any doubt, because God made you special. I know God made you special because I believe God's Word is true. As the psalmist declared, I praise you God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Wonderful are Your works. My soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14. You are a wonderful creation of God. Know it well. What are the three important life questions answered by participating in the GPS Life Journey?5/26/2021
GPS Life Journey. Another Note from Nolen, I want to talk about the three important life questions that the GPS Life Journey process, going through a GPS life journey, small group, will answer your life.
The first question is, who are you? How did God particularly specifically create and shape you to the individual that you are? We're all unique. We go through seven assessments that help answer the question, Who am I? The second question is, how do I determine what God's purpose or mission for the next stage of my life is? And we have, again, a facilitator led process that will help you discover this is what God is saying to me, and His purpose for the next stage of my life. And then the third question, what is that specific purpose? And how can I develop a strategy to fulfill that purpose? These three questions you need to know the answer to who am I? What is God's purpose, my life, and how can I get that direction from God will help you answer all those questions and the GPS life journey process?
Nolen Rollins here with another Note from Nolen, the GPS Life Journey is not a Bible study. It's a process to help you discover your purpose in life. But it is biblically based.
The three scripture verses we use primarily for the basis of this is Jeremiah 29:11. God says, I have a purpose for your life. I know what it is, and it's a purpose to help you be successful in life. Ephesians 2:10 Where we are not saved by our works. We are saved for and created for that verse tells us for good works, which God prepared for us even before we were born. And John 17:4 even Jesus while he was here on Earth, said "Father, I've glorified you by completing the work you sent me here to do, which was to die on the cross." If Jesus glorified God, by completing his assignment here on earth, then we will do the same. I trust you will discover your life purpose and bring great glory to God.
Hello, another Note from Nolen related to your GPS Life Journey. You may think I just simply don't have time to participate in a GPS life journey, small group coach led facilitator led process. Well, let me encourage you to make that a priority in your schedule. It's not enough for you to live a life of success. It's not enough for you to do the things that you felt like you have to do to make a living and take care of your family just getting by and surviving in life.
Life is so much more it has so much more meaning and you need to know what is God's purpose for your life. And I want to encourage you make it a priority. To set aside those few hours it takes to participate in a GPS life journey, small group process to discover what is really important in your life. And that is, what is God's purpose for your life? Why did he put you here on Earth? Make that a priority in your life?
Nolen Rollins here with another note from Nolen for your GPS Life Journey. I'm often asked the question, "Why did I create the GPS Life Journey process?"
Many years ago, almost 20 years ago, I was sitting on the stage of a large mega church, looking out at 1000s of people who had great abilities, experiences, discretionary time, discretionary resources, and had the ability to make a huge difference in life, a difference in their families, in their churches, in their communities, and some globally all around the world. The church had no process or means of engaging those people helping them to discover what is that purpose God has for the next stage of my life. So over a number of years, actually, it took three to five years to get the GPS Life Journey process, in its current form. I developed this process to help people like you discover what is God's purpose for the next stage of my life? How can I engage in that and how can I make a difference in the world in which I live? |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
December 2024