Nolen Rollins, author of GPS Life Journey here again, with another Note from Nolen. Oftentimes people ask me, "How can I connect with other people who have a similar mission statement as mine."
People go through the GPS life journey, they discover their specific mission statement for the next stage of their life, and they work to partner with or connect with other people. Well, we keep a record of mission statements and people all around the world, and particular areas of interest they may have. So if you'll contact us at GPS Life Journey, we'll be happy to connect you with other people who may have the exact same or very similar mission statement as you. And you can partner and work with others and collaboration and fulfilling God's purpose for the next stage of your life.
What kind of mission statements have other GPS Life Journey participants discovered and engaged in?9/23/2021
What kind of personal mission statements do people have who graduate from the GPS Life Journey? Well, there's a variety of mission statements that I have seen over these 15-20 years. 1000s of people going through the GPS Life Journey.
Sometimes that mission statement relates to them personally as something like, "my mission for the next stage of my life is to learn what it means to be a godly father and a godly husband." So it could relate to focusing on the individual itself. Sometimes his focus is on the family. And that one illustration that I just gave is an illustration of both. It focuses on the individual and also focuses on the family. Sometimes it relates to the church where they attend. Their mission is to engage people in genuine worship and they become a part of the worship team in their church. Sometimes it relates to the community, something taking place in the community. You want to help people learn English as a second language in your church or your community center. And sometimes it's a global mission statement relates to others halfway around the world. We have several people who have started orphanages, church planting movements, leadership training movements around the world. So God's purpose for the next stage of your life can focus all the way from you and your personal life, your family life, your congregational life, at your church, in your community, in your region are halfway around the world globally. The important thing is to discover what is God's purpose for the next stage of your life and to be actively engaged in fulfilling that purpose.
Nolen Rollins, GPS Life Journey with another Note from Nolen. GPS Life Journey graduates often not only get excited about their purpose and mission for the next stage of their life, but they want to know how they can help other people engage in God's purpose for their lives.
While becoming a GPS Life Journey certified facilitator is not difficult, there are only two requirements. Number one, you go through the GPS Life Journey and become a graduate yourself so that you're thoroughly familiar with the process. And then number two, you go through the eight videos that will teach you how to facilitate each of the eight sessions. These videos are online. You can be trained as a facilitator anywhere in the world, on your own schedule. So if you have a desire to help other people discover and engage in God's purposes for the next stages of their lives. I encourage you to contact us about becoming a certified GPS Life Journey facilitator.
One of my favorite authors is John Piper. He tells it like it is. He has a book, that I would encourage you to read and titled "Don't waste your life". And in this particular book, John tells the story of a young lady who was killed tragically on the mission field, in the prime of her life, and people saying, what a wasted life.
John comes back and says, "No, that was not a wasted life. That was a life well invested for the kingdom of God". And then he goes on to tell the story of someone he read about in Reader's Digest years ago, who retired from up north moved to Florida, and spent the rest of their life collecting seashells. He says, "Can you imagine that person standing before God and said, "Jesus, look at my collection of seashells", according to John Piper, that is a wasted life. God has a purpose for your life. Don't waste your life.
You are special. Now you may be thinking, how can you say I'm special? You don't even know me? Well, let me read to you the opening paragraph and this little book called Purpose that I wrote several years ago to help people understand that God has a purpose for your life.
It says you are special. You are special and you are unique. There is no one on earth just like you. I know that you are special without any doubt, because God made you special. I know God made you special because I believe God's Word is true. As the psalmist declared, I praise you God, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made by you. Wonderful are Your works. My soul knows it very well. Psalm 139:14. You are a wonderful creation of God. Know it well.
Nolen Rollins, GPS Life Journey here to encourage you to participate and the GPS Life Journey to discover your purpose in life and develop a strategy to fulfill that purpose. If you have not already done so, we have movements all around the world.
In case you're wondering, where can you participate in a GPS life journey? Today I want to give you a quick list of the 36 movements in 10 different countries around the world. You can participate in GPS Life Journey in Arizona; Austin, Texas; Bolivia, South America; Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Canton, Georgia; Coburn, Ontario, Canada; Colombia, South America; Conyers, Georgia; Covenant Church in Naples, Florida; Crossroads church in Fort Myers, Florida. Houston, Texas; Huntsville, Ontario, Canada; India, Kenya, Laurel Park, North Carolina; Loudon, Tennessee; my cop Attica Russian Federation; Maryville, Tennessee; Nigeria; North Augusta, South Carolina; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Powder Springs, Georgia; Romania; San Antonio, Texas; here in southwest Florida, our home base; South Africa; Springfield, Missouri; Townsend, Tennessee; Ukraine; The Villages in Central Florida; Willmar, Minnesota; Woodland Park, Colorado; and Woodstock, Georgia. If there's not a movement close to you, we would love to add GPS Life Journey close to you. Contact us, we can tell you how to do that. If you are close to one of these movements, give us a call or send us an email and we'll let you know how to get in touch with a GPS facilitator movement leader in your region. |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
January 2025