Working 6 to 7 days a week along with long hours isn’t the exact recipe for a successful work-life balance, let alone family.
As with any business, to be successful you need to be willing to put the energy into your work, the people you manage, and customers you interact with. Prior to 2016, I was feeling more and more personal pressure to find a work-life balance knowing that my current path would not be easy and likely fall short of what I wanted to achieve. My story really begins when I was elevated to a leadership role in 2013 within the company. As the youngest General Manager in the company, I was opening two restaurants and a conference center while managing nearly 150 employees. My focus was solely on the operations of the business and building a strong team around me. Fast forward 3 years to 2016. Work was going very well but continuing at the pace I was going was likely going to burn me out. I was forced to focus on long term priorities for the business and myself. Achieving a balance of work and life would require very intentional decisions and proper training for at least the next 5 years. I was willing to commit but knew it was going to be long weeks, little time off, and continued to focus on the goals at hand. With God knowing the roadmap I slated out for myself He threw a curveball at me…my dad mentioned GPS Life Journey to me. He explained that it was geared toward retirees that were looking to find God’s plan and personal purpose for their next phase in life. However, he pitched it as a class that we could complete together and it may provide clarity for myself. I agreed to complete the class with him and the rest is history. GPS Life Journey is exactly what I needed at the time and God knew it. He led me there and was able to provide clarity beyond any book I had read or devotion I had completed. GPS provided me with an understanding of my talents and God-given gifts. I had always been aware of my strengths and some of my struggles but GPS was able to not only highlight this but also put it on paper as a personal roadmap. That roadmap identified critical components of my personality and how I can inject those into my life and a career. Then God showed up. Pastor Bruce Schoeman encouraged me to visit with a gentleman that he felt had a similar story as mine. We were introduced and I was fortunate to spend two hours asking questions and trying to understand my “WHY”. To this day I can remember the advice that was given to me, “The longer you do not pursue your WHY, the further away it moves”. For once I felt the confidence to make a decision, a decision that was never so clear. I needed to leave my job and pursue another career. Two weeks later I would type a letter that I wouldn’t not have been able to prior to GPS. I put in my month's notice. Not a job lined up, not a resume built, not an application submitted. I didn’t know where life would take me but I knew my time with my current employer needed to come to an end. I ended up taking 4 months off to travel, spend time with family and friends, and pursue my next career. Long story short, the gentleman I sought advice from worked for a local investment firm which at the time was not looking to add anyone new to their firm, nor was I looking to work a “desk” job. However, through a few conversations with the owner he felt led to bring me on. Note that I did not have investment or financial schooling prior. But he wasn’t looking for that, he was looking for someone that shared the same values, morals, and faith. He was confident in teaching me how to manage investments but he was more confident in my talents and God-given abilities, many of which were identified during my GPS journey. If it wasn’t for GPS Life Journey, I wouldn’t have left my job or found my current career. God had set me up to attend this class and meet a future co-worker prior to me knowing. GPS Life Journey was the tool for me during that phase of my life. Since then, I see GPS as a tool for not only those looking for purpose in retirement but those looking for purpose in life and their career. This process helps identify who you are and how you may use those skills to be successful in life. Whether you are 23 or 63, you should go through your own personal discovery of your gift and talents and GPS Life Journey is the perfect tool." You can discover your GPS Life Journey at one of our in person or online via zoom events. Check out what is happening on our EVENTS page or use the Contact page to get in touch with your questions.
Let us encourage you, if you are a GPS Life Journey Facilitator, to make conversations about GPS Life Journey, a part of what you talk about every day, in all situations. Or at least most situations.
You'd be surprised how many times it is appropriate and a natural conversation. For you to talk about God's purposes for peoples lives. The most difficult part about being a GPS Life Journey Facilitator is NOT facilitating a small group. It is getting people enlisted in a small group. The way you get people enlisted in a small group is you talk about it. You talk about it wherever you are and with whoever you are meeting with. Talk about GPS Life Journey and the importance of knowing and fulfilling God's purpose for your life. Let us encourage you. Don't sit and wait for people to come to you! Make it a part of your daily conversation. God bless. For more GPS Life Journey Facilitator tips and support, please join the monthly call, every third Friday at 9am ET. See the Events page to RSVP. |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
December 2024