In this brief, Note from Nolen, we have an important Easter message.
"Without a doubt, one of the most important, if not the most important week of the year is Holy Week for followers of Jesus Christ. I want to wish you a happy Easter and I wish you a great year this year. As you follow the risen Christ in fulfilling his specific purpose for your life. God bless you." If you don't know what God's specific purpose is for your life then please consider participating in the GPS Life Journey process. We offer in person and online events throughout the year, check out what's happening here. You can also contact us to find out more information.
![]() This month's story is from GPS Life Journey Graduate, Don Gunther. "I had enjoyed a high level of business success that many would envy. I spent 40 years with the Bechtel Group, one of the world’s leading engineering and construction firms. We worked in 120 countries building some of the most complicated and largest structures ever attempted by an engineering and construction firm. For example, we built the tunnel under the English Channel between England and France. Our company was also responsible for extinguishing the massive oil well fires in the Gulf War. When I retired, I was Vice Chairman and was responsible for all of our business units around the world. I thoroughly enjoyed my career with Bechtel and loved living abroad and all across America. I tried retirement, but after the big house and the big boat, I was not satisfied with my life. I was glad that I had more time for my large family, but I sensed that maybe God had more for me to do. Yet, I was at a loss at how to go about discovering that purpose for the next stage of my life.
A New Friend Changed My Life That is when a friend introduced me to Nolen Rollins and GPS Life Journey. GPS Life Journey helped me focus on the skills I had and how I might use them to help others and have a greater impact in the world. It helped me evaluate my strengths and weaknesses and through it, I began to identify where God would like to use me. Coupled with my commitments to family, I felt called to become involved in a foundation that serves an impoverished migrant community in Southwest Florida, surrounded by immense wealth. I served as Chairman of The Immokalee Foundation and brought my abilities to bear for the benefit of the board, the organization, and those we serve. We are making a big difference in the lives of many young people, who with our help have a much greater chance at success in life. I also started a new chapter of Men’s Golf Fellowship at the country club where I was a member. This weekly group is designed to help men successfully deal with personal issues and to become devoted followers of Christ. It also was my privilege to serve as a leader in Legacy Church in Estero, Florida, where my new friend and mentor, Nolen Rollins, was Senior Pastor. Nolen has been the greatest spiritual influence in my long life. It was a blessed day when I met him. My life went from being prominent to being significant as I learned God’s purposes for my life and began to engage in fulfilling those purposes. There is no feeling as great as knowing that you are doing what God created you to do. see how that makes a difference in the world. A much greater difference than building large structures. GPS Life Journey was very significant in my finding and fulfilling my life purpose." Don Gunther is the retired Vice Chairman, the Bechtel Group. (Story written by Don Gunther) This month, we have a great video for you to watch. Or if you prefer, then you can read the transcript here: "Hello. Another Note from Nolen. Just sitting here on the ramp, ready to get on the interstate. And I'm just thinking about the days when we went places and we had to use maps or the directions of a friend or family member to get there. Remember how difficult that was? You eventually got there. Sometimes you missed your turn several times, following the directions of a friend who would give you directions like:
Well, go down the road and you'll pass this big red bar. Don't turn there, go on down and you'll see this red wheelbarrow. It was just really difficult to get anywhere you want to go. What a great thing it is to have a GPS that takes us everywhere we want to go today. GPS Life Journey will do the same thing for your journey in the kingdom of God. It will give you specific direction as to where God wants to take you, how He wants you to get there, His purpose for your life, and a road map, a 15 step road map to help you arrive at His destination for your life. If you've not participated in GPS Life Journey, or if you have friends or family members who have not encouraged them to get the real deal GPS, it'll help you get to where you need to go in life." Find out what events are happening here, we offer GPS Life Journey in person and online via Zoom. You can also contact us and ask us questions about bringing GPS Life Journey to wherever you are in the world. |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
January 2025