What are the benefits of participating in the GPS Life Journey process? Great question. Let me give you several benefits.
Number one, you will know yourself better than you've ever known yourself before. You will understand how God has uniquely created and gifted you better than you ever have before. Second thing you will know is how to get direction from God. We have a session just on, how do you hear from God? How do you discover what that purpose is? And then of course, a major benefit is you will learn what is God's purpose for the next stage of my life. God has a purpose for every stage of your life will help you discover what that purpose is for the next stage of your life. And then a final benefit is you will be able to develop a strategy to engage and that purpose and to see that mission and that vision become reality where you are living on mission with God and making a difference in the world.
Nolen Rollins, founder and president of GPS Life Journey with a another Note from Nolen. I'm often asked the question, "How can I participate in the GPS life journey. If I do not live near southwest Florida where our office is?"
Well, actually, there are four ways you can do this one. Let's check to see if there is another GPS Life Journey movement somewhere near you. We're in over 25 countries of the world and several cities across America. So that would be one alternative. The second alternative is that GPS is available by zoom format. We have excellent trained facilitators who can take you through GPS using zoom right on your computer, wherever you are. A third way that people often participate, is they will come here. They find out when we're doing a GPS Life Journey two day Blitz. Typically it's on a Friday evening and a Saturday morning, and they'll come to town just overnight for that Blitz, and participate in the GPS process with me leading that Blitz. And then a fourth way is I can come to you or one of our facilitators can come to you if you can gather as many as eight to 10 people to participate in a GPF Life Journey process in your region or area here in the States. Very often, we will come to you at very little to no expense so that you can participate in the GPS life journey. So I trust that you will be able to take advantage of one of these four ways to participate in GPS and discover and engage and God's purpose for your life.
Another Note from Nolen, author, founder and president of GPS Llfe Journey. What does it cost to participate in the GPS life journey?
The results are wonderful. That is you discover God's purpose for the next stage of your life. And you develop a strategy to engage in fulfilling that purpose. But what does it cost to be engaged in this process? Well, you'll be surprised, very little to nothing. If you live in the village of Estero, Leaders in this particular city believe in the GPS Life Journey process so much that they have agreed to cover the cost of GPS Life Journey for people who live here locally. But if you live in other places, really, it's just the cost of materials. GPS Life Journey is not for making money. It is for helping you discover your purpose. So the cost of the workbook which is usually $25, the cost for materials and snacks and so forth, and participating in a group typically is far less than $50 per participate in the GPS Life Journey. And I would ask you, is $50 investment if it didn't cost that much? Is that not worth discovering? Why did God put you here on Earth?
The number one reason people do not participate in the GPS Life Journey is not because they don't want to know God's purpose for the next stage of their life. It's because they feel like I just simply don't have time. Life is so busy.
Do I ever understand that? But here's what I've discovered after 72 years of life, you do what is important. If you're going to be successful, you have to focus on priorities. You have to do what is important. And my question to you would be, what could be more important to you than knowing and fulfilling God's purpose for your life? So may I encourage you, no matter how busy life is, make it a priority, to go through the GPS Life Journey to discover and engage and God's purpose for your life. That's where you find real success in life. Being able to do what God created you to do, and bring in him great glory and doing so. |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
January 2025