Did you know that you can now do GPS Life Journey online via Zoom? Here's a transcript of what was shared in this video.
"Hi, I'm Emily Miller. I'm the director for Southwest Florida and also the lead on GPS Life Journey via Zoom. We offer group opportunities. Available Tuesday night, Eastern time, and we have all the details on the website. So please click here to go check it out to find out when the next group is happening. For a limited time, we have available 1 to 1, that's where I will be able to guide you through the GPS Life Journey online using Zoom. It's scheduled at your convenience. So if that group option isn't convenient for you, then know that you do have the availability of doing this process at a time that works best for you, subject to my availability. I look forward to helping you discover God's plan for significance in your life at this stage. God bless." Contact us or check out the Events page for upcoming opportunities to participate in GPS Life Journey.
In this video, you'll hear from Nolen Rollins, the founder of GPS Life Journey and others about what the benefits are from participating in the GPS Life Journey process.
In John chapter 17, verse four, Jesus, God, the son is talking to God, the father, and he says, I have glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work you sent me here to do. [Nolen Rollins] "My question for you is this, have you glorified, or are you glorifying God because you're engaged in faith, fulfilling the specific work that God has for you to do here on earth?" GPS Life Journey will help you discover your purpose here on earth and the good works that God has created you to do to bring Him glory. Loreen Robertson says, "I love participating in GPS Life Journey. It really gave me a sense of purpose and focus for my life. I definitely would recommend GPS Life Journey because it will just give you a more focus and significance for your life." GPS Life Journey consists of eight facilitator led sessions: 1. Discovering My Personality 2. Discovering My Experiences, Abilities and Strengths 3. Discovering My Passions, Spiritual Gifts and Values 4. Discovering How to Get Direction from God 5. Developing My Personal Mission Statement 6. Developing My Personal Vision 7. Developing My Priority Action Steps and Venues 8. Developing Margins in My Life Janine Bateson says, "God has placed me exactly where he wants me. He is having me do exactly what he wants to have done and I would not have known." Paula Mills says, " It is an absolute joy to know that I'm living God's purpose for my life. It takes a lot of stress out of my life. It gives me great happiness and I love watching other people find their purposes in life. It's just a win win situation." There are several formats for participating in a GPS Life Journey group , from an eight week small group to a two day intensive Blitz format. There is a format that will fit your schedule. Pastor John Hunn says, "GPS Life Journey has been an amazing benefit to our church here at First Baptist Lenore City. It has been an absolute godsend, so much so that we made it the year of mobilization. Over 200 of our members have discovered their life purpose and we loved it so much. This year is our second year of mobilization." We encourage you to join over 20, 000 people. in over 30 countries of the world who have discovered their God given missions for the next stage of their lives. By doing so, you too will bring glory to God by accomplishing the work that He has for you to do while here on earth. Please contact us for a list of all upcoming GPS life journey opportunities and discover your specific God given mission for the next stage of your life. Or check out the events page. We look forward to facilitating your GPS Life Journey. Congratulations to these new GPS Life Journey graduates from SWFL. Here's what they had to say about the two day weekend workshop they attended in January 2024.
"Hello, my name is Ananias and this weekend I participated in the GPS Life Journey process. My mission is to serve my community and wherever I go so that they will know the love of Jesus Christ. I really enjoy doing GPS. It allowed me to understand my strengths and my passions and learn more about myself so that I can, through God, utilize them and go and support my community and complete my mission. Hi, my name is Germaine and I participated in the GPS Life Journey this weekend, with the great facilitator, Emily Miller. I just praise God for the opportunity. I've learned, to put my strengths and abilities all in one place. I know that my mission is to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ, to as many people as I can. And help inspire people into an authentic walk with Jesus Christ. I highly recommend that you do the same. God bless." Over a Friday night and Saturday daytime, we take you through 8 sessions designed for:
The GPS Life Journey has been used by over 20, 000 people in 32 countries of the world, and the workbook has been translated to seven different languages. There's several formats that you can participate in the GPS Life Journey. Nolen's favorite format is the Family GPS. This is where a family of four or more, 13 years or older, go through the GPS Life Journey process together.
It is amazing what you will learn as individuals, but it is also an added benefit for your family as a whole, as you will come to understand each other better, know what God's purpose is for each member of your family, and be supportive of each other as you seek to fulfill God's purpose for the next stage of your life. The GPS Family format - You set the time and place. We'll come to you on whatever format, whatever times you desire. We can do it eight weeks, one hour each. We can do it four weeks, two hours each. Or we can do it two weeks, four hours each. Let me encourage you to consider GPS Life Journey for your entire family. You'll be glad you did. Use the Contact page to get in touch with us.
Nolen Rollins, author of GPS Life Journey here again, with another Note from Nolen. Oftentimes people ask me, "How can I connect with other people who have a similar mission statement as mine."
People go through the GPS life journey, they discover their specific mission statement for the next stage of their life, and they work to partner with or connect with other people. Well, we keep a record of mission statements and people all around the world, and particular areas of interest they may have. So if you'll contact us at GPS Life Journey, we'll be happy to connect you with other people who may have the exact same or very similar mission statement as you. And you can partner and work with others and collaboration and fulfilling God's purpose for the next stage of your life.
Nolen Rollins, GPS Life Journey with another Note from Nolen. GPS Life Journey graduates often not only get excited about their purpose and mission for the next stage of their life, but they want to know how they can help other people engage in God's purpose for their lives.
While becoming a GPS Life Journey certified facilitator is not difficult, there are only two requirements. Number one, you go through the GPS Life Journey and become a graduate yourself so that you're thoroughly familiar with the process. And then number two, you go through the eight videos that will teach you how to facilitate each of the eight sessions. These videos are online. You can be trained as a facilitator anywhere in the world, on your own schedule. So if you have a desire to help other people discover and engage in God's purposes for the next stages of their lives. I encourage you to contact us about becoming a certified GPS Life Journey facilitator.
Nolen Rollins, GPS Life Journey here to encourage you to participate and the GPS Life Journey to discover your purpose in life and develop a strategy to fulfill that purpose. If you have not already done so, we have movements all around the world.
In case you're wondering, where can you participate in a GPS life journey? Today I want to give you a quick list of the 36 movements in 10 different countries around the world. You can participate in GPS Life Journey in Arizona; Austin, Texas; Bolivia, South America; Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Canton, Georgia; Coburn, Ontario, Canada; Colombia, South America; Conyers, Georgia; Covenant Church in Naples, Florida; Crossroads church in Fort Myers, Florida. Houston, Texas; Huntsville, Ontario, Canada; India, Kenya, Laurel Park, North Carolina; Loudon, Tennessee; my cop Attica Russian Federation; Maryville, Tennessee; Nigeria; North Augusta, South Carolina; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Powder Springs, Georgia; Romania; San Antonio, Texas; here in southwest Florida, our home base; South Africa; Springfield, Missouri; Townsend, Tennessee; Ukraine; The Villages in Central Florida; Willmar, Minnesota; Woodland Park, Colorado; and Woodstock, Georgia. If there's not a movement close to you, we would love to add GPS Life Journey close to you. Contact us, we can tell you how to do that. If you are close to one of these movements, give us a call or send us an email and we'll let you know how to get in touch with a GPS facilitator movement leader in your region.
I am often asked the question, "how can I get a copy of the GPS Life Journey workbook?" Well, it may surprise you to know that you can't just buy a GPS Life Journey workbook.
Our purpose is not to sell books. Our purpose is to help individuals discover God's purpose for their life. And we have discovered that you can do that best with a trained facilitator who helps you go through the eight sessions of the GPS life journey. So the only way you can get a copy of the workbook is to sign up for a GPS Life Journey workshop in some format. We do it in as little as two days, all the way up to eight sessions spread over eight weeks, but look on the GPS life journey website. See when an opportunity comes your way and sign up for GPS life journey course. And we'll send that workbook right to you along with all the information you need to know to successfully discover and engage in fulfilling God's purpose for your life.
Will you join the 1000s of people all around the world, who have discovered this is my God given purpose for the next stage of my life? And this is how I can engage in fulfilling that purpose?
GPS Life Journey process has been used by over 12,000 people in over 25 countries of the world and all across America and North America. The process workbook has been translated into seven languages already, and growing all the time. And without a major marketing effort at all, just simply by spirit of word of mouth, from satisfied customers. We enlist more people to participate in GPS Life Journey every week as we go along. So let me encourage you join the 1000s of others all around the world, who are making a huge difference in their lives, their families, their churches, their communities, their states, their countries, because they have discovered and are engaged and God's purpose for their lives.
Nolen Rollins, author of the GPS Life Journey, how is the GPS life journey process different than other very good products and processes that are on the market to help you discover God's purpose?
Well, I'm not saying it's better, but I do believe it is different. And one of the differences is, when you discover God's purpose for your life, we don't just end the process. We help you develop a strategy. Okay, what do I need to do next? What are the most important action steps I need to take? So we will help you develop a strategy to fulfill that purpose. And then we're available for ongoing coaching to help you on your journey. When you hit a roadblock. Or you have a question. We're here to help you to successfully stay on the journey to fulfill God's purpose for your life. Another purpose is our profile, that we help you develop an understanding of yourself as a part of the GPS Life Journey is the most extensive personal profile of any human resource that I have seen in any company anywhere. There are seven assessments that we will take you through to help you have a full understanding. This is who I am. This is how God has created me. And this is God's purpose for my life. And here's how I can make it become reality. |
AuthorNolen Rollins, Founder & President of GPS Life Journey Archives
December 2024